Satellite name; EarthScanner; DailyVision; HyperScan
Number of satellites; 3; 46; 2
Spatial resolution, m;
panchromatic photography <br><br> multispectral shooting; 0.50 м <br> <br> 2 м; 0.75 м <br> <br> 3 m;5 m<br> <br> 5 m
Stereo Mode; no; no; no
The width of the line band; 150 km; 18 km; 110 km
The frequency of shooting; 3-5 days; 15 once a day; 2 day
1 km² of archival footage; 960 rub.; 720 rub.; 150 rub.;
1 km² of new shooting; 1 800 rub.; 1 450 rub.; 300 rub.;
The minimum order area for archival photography; 25 km²; 25 km²; 500 km²
The minimum area for ordering a new survey; 100 km²; 100 km²; 2000 km²